The threat of a cyber attack is a very real concern for UK businesses. The Government’s Cyber Security Breaches 2020 survey revealed that 46% of businesses report having a breach or attack in the last 12 months. And as both businesses and consumers, we’re seeing a rise in elaborate phishing scams, so-much-so that they’re becoming common place. But it’s not all bad news, experts claim that 80% of attacks could be prevented if businesses put simple security controls in place.
At ACS we take cyber security extremely seriously. Preventing someone from accessing client data, including potentially, their customer’s data, via our systems is of the highest priority. Therefore, among other initiatives, we’ve gained our Cyber Essentials certification. This sits alongside our ISO9001 certificate, which also deals, in part, with data protection and cyber security.
Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed initiative to enable businesses to better protect themselves against cyber crime, and by doing so, better-protect their clients.
Whilst there are some extremely sophisticated attacks out there, the Government claim that businesses are far more likely to be attacked through highly preventable, low-skill attempts. What they describes as “the digital equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it’s unlocked.” Cyber Essentials ensures that businesses are protected against these most common types of attacks.
The Government are so confident in the techniques taught in their Cyber Essentials certificate, that one is needed to apply for any Government contract.
Chris Morrall commented:
"We’ve long-taken the security of our business seriously, for our own sake as well as that of our clients. Sometimes businesses can be naive to cyber threats as it’s not their area of expertise, so we really feel we’d be letting our clients down if we didn't take a lead on this. By protecting our own business, and advising our clients on how to protect theirs, we can keep everyone safer. We hope that gaining this certification will offer some reassurances on our on-going commitment to this."